Times are tough, and we value your return business. Register your rewards card and start earning your rewards today!
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Flash the card – Snag some points – Earn free stuff… it’s easy.
Earn 1 point for every dollar spent at the Old T. Receive a $25 reward for every $300 spent and keep an eagle eye open for opportunities to earn even extra bonus points! The Loyalty Card carries no cash value, and will not be replaced if lost or stolen. The terms and conditions of the card may be subject to change or cancellation at any time.
Guard Your Card! It will not be replaced if lost, stolen, or pilfered and then used by your roommate and former best friend. Remember it remains good for all Triangle eternity, and you can easily and enjoyably add additional value at any time. Your card cannot be redeemed for cash. Using the card means you accept and agree to all our terms and conditions as stated.